Kapha Reducing Spring Cleansing
All your questions, answered!
You clean your house out in preparation for the next season, why not your body?
This very do-able cleanse, led yearly by Jolie, is perfect for the Spring. It moves you from the heaviness and lethargy, associated with the Kapha dosha, that we often feel after a long winter to a lighter more energized you for the summer.
Daily juices, vegan meals and a master cleanse lemonade will jump-start you into habits that are revitalizing and reinvigorating. You’ll be immersed in clean, whole food eating, you’ll loose some weight, and move out of winter sluggishness. You may prepare all of the juices and meals at home or visit local healthy food cafes to augment your meal options.
How does this cleanse work?
This is a home cleanse. You are learning new food habits by preparing your own meals. You’ll receive a detailed daily instruction manual, daily emails with specific guidance and many suggestions of how to best support yourself. We will meet on zoom a few evenings for tips and Q & A. The focus of the cleanse is your personal experience in your home learning new habits and practices for healthy living. You may use healthy food cafes to supplement your juices and meals.
What does a typical day look like on The Cleanse?
Each day you will wake up as close to sunrise as possible.
Drink a small cup of hot water with lemon or plain.
Try to make time for a morning practice: a restorative yoga routine, a simple meditation, some breathwork, some writing. The point is to do something every morning that helps you to listen to yourself, to de-stress, ground yourself and rejuvenate and refresh. It should be a very simple, enjoyable and comfortable routine. Just something to begin your day with a spiritual meal of sorts.
Next you will make your morning juice to drink right away. You will fill a 24oz mason jar or up to one quart of any combination of fruits and vegetables you like. Your cleanse recipe book and daily emails include several recipes but you may also have other recipe books, ask friends or choose to Google other recipe suggestions. In your pre-cleanse week you will experiment with different combinations.
You will also make your Master Cleanse Lemonade in your blender at this time to be drunk throughout the day. It is good to have a healthy waterbottle to carry your Master Cleanse Lemonade with you. This recipe is in the recipe book.
On days 3, 4 & 5 you will also make a “liver flush” drink in the morning in your blender. On these days you will drink the liver flush before your juice. The recipe for the liver flush is in your Cleanse recipe book. It is a combination of oranges, grapefruit, olive oil parsley and other ingredients, which offer a gentle detox to the liver. It is actually quite tasty.
Every day of The Cleanse you may eat breakfast in the morning following your juice if you are still hungry. You will eat lunch and dinner. The ingredients for these meals depend upon what day of The Cleanse you are on.
On days 1 & 2 all food from the Master List is allowed – All vegetables, quinoa, millet, almonds and walnuts.
On days 3, 4 & 5 you cut out the nuts but can still eat the grains and all other food.
On days 6, 7 & 8 you eat only green food. All green vegetables, onions, garlic, sea vegetables and all of the condiments areallowed.
On days 9 & 10 you are back to the whole food list, which will feel like glorious abundance! You are urged to eat abundantly. To eat to your fill and to make the delicious meals from the recipe book. This is not a deprivation cleanse.
How do I cook my food on the Cleanse?
You cannot cook with oil although you are encouraged to use raw olive and flaxseed oil on top of your food. You can water sauté, bake and steam. Your cleanse emails will instruct you on several methods including water sautéing, making vegetarian sushi and more.
What is the cost of The Cleanse?
The Cleanse is $125. This includes:
A tried and true Cleanse Recipe book with lots of info about why this cleanse really works, suggestions of integrating a health enhancing diet into your daily life after The Cleanse, and user friendly cooked and raw food recipes
A detailed daily instruction guide that I will email to you.
Unlimited email contact and counseling to support you personally drawing from my knowledge and experience as a certified Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Counselor, certified Yoga Instructor and someone who has been leading and doing this particular cleanse since 2002.
Daily emails with more recipes, guidelines on how to move smoothly through the new routines of The Cleanse, instructions and reminders about preparing for each new phase of The Cleanse
Instructions of how to do The Pre-Cleanse phase.
Descriptions of how to practice the important Ayurvedic cleansing techniques: Dry brushing, Abhyanga - self-massage, using a tongue scraper.
What does Pre-cleanse mean?
Pre-cleanse phase is the week or two before the actual 10 day cleanse where you transition into cleanse mode. In your welcome letter you will be guided on what foods and habits to begin to let go of, what habits to begin to practice, what tools to buy and how to specifically prepare your home for The Cleanse.
Why do I lead this particular cleanse when there are so many to choose from?
The biggest benefit of this cleanse is that it sets you up for the long term. It is a gentle but thorough transition off of foods that are not supporting your body into foods that create a detoxifying and then rejuvenating experience. Struggling through the unfamiliar routines of this cleanse makes it yours forever. By the end of the 10 days you are thoroughly immersed in a lifestyle that, from my experience, keeps you more vibrant and healthy and better able to move quickly through sickness and imbalance. If you were to cater the whole cleanse you would feel the benefits but not have them as your own to incorporate into daily living.
What tools do I need for this cleanse?
You will need a juicer and a blender. Although some people choose to purchase their juice from a local juice bar and even some meals. Other than that you need vegetables, fruits and the other ingredients for cooking your cleanse meals. Your welcome letter will have a suggested grocery list,
What if I don’t have a juicer can I buy my juices?
Yes you can. Although it is also worth your while to own and get familiar with using a juicer. My juicer is in full use from the first time I do The Cleanse each spring through the summer and into early fall. I do think it is of great benefit to work with your own juicer; learning to be efficient and quick with your juicer and knowing what juice combinations are your favorites.
Do I actually eat on this cleanse?
Yes this is an eating cleanse. You drink a 24oz – a quart of juice each morning, drink a master cleanse lemonade throughout the day and eat two or three other meals. On three days of the cleanse you also have a liver flush drink that is actually quite yummy. You can have snacks from food off of The Cleanse list if you feel the need. All of the recipes are included in the cleanse recipe book.
What foods can I eat on this cleanse?
There is a Master Food List at the back of the recipe book. On the list are grains - quinoa and millet, almonds, walnuts, all vegetables except for yams and potatoes, all fruits (although tropical fruits are not especially encouraged). You may use olive and flaxseed oil, honey, maple syrup and other condiments, as you will see on the list. You are encouraged to eat heartily and deliciously. A huge benefit of this cleanse is that you learn how to eat well and abundantly and see how this is what leads you to a healthy, trim energized self. It dispels the myth that to be healthy and trim you need to deprive yourself and eat tasteless boring food.
What is the Master cleanse drink and how do I know how to make it?
The master cleanse is a drink made from lemons, powdered clove, filtered water and honey or maple syrup. Some people add cayenne pepper as well. The recipe is one of the first pages in The Cleanse recipe book. There is also a cleanse on the market where people drink only this master cleanse drink for several days. While this may be beneficial for certain people at certain times the downsides are that it does not guide you into how to eat once you are off of the fast. You do not get to practice the eating habits that lead to long-term health. It can be detrimental to lose weight so quickly on an extreme fast and then once you start eating again your metabolism may have slowed down and more weight may be gained. Again, this does there are times such a fast may be exactly what someone needs and can work with thoughtful guidance.
Are there other things I will need to purchase?
There are suggestions to support the detoxification process.
A tongue scraper to scrape toxins off of the tongue each morning. Available at Mandala.
Triphala – an ayurvedic herbal tablet that has been found to act as a complete body cleanser. Not only does Triphala help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, it also purifies the blood and removes toxins from the liver. Available at Mandala.
2 mesh strainers – one with medium holes and one with finer mesh. The finer mesh strainer is used for your Master Cleanse Lemonade. The onewith the bigger holes is for your liver flush on days 3, 4 &5.
A dry brush to exfoliate before body oiling. Available at Mandala.
How do I get off of coffee? Is there any way I can have it on this cleanse?
Coffee is not on the Master Food List. This is your cleanse and you can follow it as diligently as you choose. To get off of coffee use your pre-cleanse week to transition. Start by switching to decaf or half decaf half regular and moving the time you have your coffee to after lunch. You can switch to green tea or an herbal tea in the morning during this pre-cleanse week if you feel the need. During the cleanse after your hot water with lemon or lime or plain and your juice you can have herbal tea and even a green tea if you feel the strong need. Rooibos or red bush tea is a rich decaffeinated tea that can be very satisfying.
Is this a raw food cleanse?
The recipe book includes many delicious raw food recipes. If you wanted to do The Cleanse completely raw you could. I do strongly suggest that you eat cooked meals at least the first few times of doing The Cleanse. If your body is not familiar with eating a raw foods diet the raw foods can be difficult for the digestive system to thoroughly digest. If the body has not cleansed before jumping into eating all raw foods could create a healing crisis. If you wanted to move into raw foods doing this cleanse with cooked foods would be a good first start.
What should I do to get started?
Email me at jolie@mandalayoga.com to let me know you want to sign up. After this you will receive a welcome letter instructing you on how to begin, including details of the pre-cleanse phase. It is good to sign up a week or two before The Cleanse so you can do a Pre-Cleanse Phase. The pre-cleanse phase helps to get you ready for the actual 10 day cleanse. It makes your transition into the ten day cleanse much easier and deepens the detoxification effects of your cleanse. Next I will send you your cleanse book and any tools you need or we’ll arrange for local pick up.