Sheryl Hastalis
Instructor Interviews
With Sheryl Hastalis
How were you first introduced to yoga?
As a dancer, through my fellow dancers, and dance teachers. We practiced yoga when we sustained dance injuries. When I relocated to the East Hampton, my daily practice became yoga, rather than ballet barre, which is also a yoked practice of mind, body, and spirit.
What made you decide to move beyond being a student to become a teacher?
I have been teaching dance my entire life, since I was 14 yrs. old, that’s many, many, decades. I taught teenagers beginning ballet, in return for my classes at a local studio, I continued my studies of dance in high school, going into Manhattan, to study with many renown teachers, I gleaned many lessons on teaching effectively, studying with great mentors. At university, I studied pedagogy -movement education, and the anatomy and physiology of dance, as part of my BFA / Dance. Teaching yoga was a natural progression physically. My yogic philosophical study and mantra practice, changed my inner life, and lifted my spirits. I was immediately inspired to teach yoga, as the comprehensive practice it is, according to the traditions of the Gita, Sutras, and Pradipika (the great written works of Yoga) of yoking of mind, body, and spirit.
What were you doing before you taught yoga?
I was performing modern dance in NYC, and on the East Coast with The Opera Company of Boston, The Yard, with independent choreographers, and teaching dance, at the Long Island High School of Performing Arts. I subsequently earned an MFA in Performing Arts Administration, and utilized this knowledge as a Dance marketing associate at City Center Theater, and an Arts Programming Creator, at the Police Athletic League, in Manhattan. I also became a certified fitness coach, and taught personal clients fitness, weight training, and mindfulness, including yoga within these sessions, at David Barton Gym, World Gym, and with private clients, in all five boroughs.
How has your yoga practice changed since you began?
My personal practice has moved into a more finely-honed alignment based physical practice, studying weekly with some wonderful Iyengar teachers, while continuing to practice, and study vinyasa from a variety of teachers. I have delved deeper into the philosophical study of yoga, studying with Dr. Edwin Bryant, and continue my daily Sanskrit mantra, and meditation practice, keeping in touch with my Mantra and Sanskrit mentor, Russill Paul.
Is there a particular aspect of yoga you are especially intrigued with right now?
All aspects of yoga interest me as both a student, and a teacher. I am currently studying Hindu philosophy with Dr. Edwin Bryant, and wall yoga with Stephanie Dodge of IyogaDelray.
What else have you studied in depth?
In depth - my studies include; Anatomy and Physiology, Biology. Dance - ballet, modern dance, tap, world dance, and jazz, Dance and Theater history,
What are some of your other practices or passions?
Other passions are attending dance, and theater performances, viewing art, reading literature & poetry, listening to all styles of music, and dancing.
When you really need grounding what do you do?
Open the windows, or go outdoors and do a pranayama ( breath ) practice, or turn on old school funk and dance! LOVE D- NICE on Instagram!
Anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you Mandala Yoga Family