Clearing Congested Lungs
Warm steam and heating antimicrobial essential oils offer great relief for sinus congestion and coughs. If you have asthma this could be way too strong. Talk to your doctor first.
You will need:
Boiling water, a large bowl, essential oils (tips below!), a large towel and tissues torn into little pieces.
Pour boiling water into a bowl.
Drip 2- 3 drops of essential oil onto a piece of tissue and then throw it into the boiling water.
Cover your head with a towel to form a tent over the bowl. Keep eyes shut and breathe deeply.
Repeat several times.
**Be safe! Make sure not to get your face too close to the bowl.
Suggested Essential Oils
Eucalyptus globulus for coughs
Eucalyptus radiata for ear, nose and throat problems.
Oregano oil where there seems to be a sinus infection. Caution: only use a couple of drops of the oregano. it is very very strong!
Thyme for helping to get the mucus up and out of the chest.