Steadying the Mind
The blowing wind of vata is experienced as variability and anxiety in the mind. The best way to calm this unsteadiness is by creating routine. When the mind is blowing all over the place turning to the body can be the a good place to start.
Routine in Meals
Eating 3 meals instead of snacking can make a HUGE difference in soothing the gut and also in soothing the mind! Snacking doesn't give your body time to fully digest. This gut discomfort creates gas and bloating and unsteadiness for the emotions too. Ideally you eat enough at a meal to arrive hungry with your digestive fire raring to go for the next meal.
Cooked rather than raw or cold food is important when your belly is unsettled. It will help to stoke the digestive fire. It takes a lot of energy for our bodies to digest raw or cold food.
Routine in Daily Practices
Waking up at the same time each morning and going to sleep at the same time is incredibly steadying to the mind.
If you sit for a short meditation practice upon waking, read something from an inspirational book or do a gentle yoga practice this certainly adds to the grounding experience.
Routine gives the mind a reliable path to step upon.